S.N. Vanitha Mahavidyalaya Exhibition Grounds

S.N. Vanitha Mahavidyalaya Exhibition Grounds

Even though an E-tec is compatible with up to 10% ethanol, I don’t use it unles it is my only option just to avoid the POTENTIAL (but unlikely) problems that can occur with it attracting moisture and the resultant phase seperation. But tons of folks use ethanol without any issues. I suspect that for most folks, it is their only option.

Here is what Evinrude has to say: Mercury Marine’s position is that, given the choice between the minimum octane rating with 10% ethanol, or higher than the minimum octane rating with 0% ethanol, the latter is preferred. That is, they are suggesting that ethanol should be avoided if.

9/15/2010  · E-tec’s are made to run on E-10…Check your manual. GL. doesnt matter what the engine is made to run on….. Ethanol will still go bad in the tank …… yes, add.

Evinrude E-TEC includes both new technologies and improvements to existing technologies. We’ve built these technologies onto existing and proven – durable, reliable platforms. For example, our 2-cylinder 40 through 60 horsepower Evinrude E-TEC outboards are built on the mid-section and gear case of the 55 horsepower Commercial series outboards.

If the previous owner used ethanol blended fuel and had experienced phase separation, then the now out of suspension water and ethanol mix in his fuel tank would have fallen (separated) and have accumulated in the bottom of the boat fuel tank, then if any passed, it could then accumulate in the bottom of the Racor filter/water sep and if ignored by the boat owner, eventually it would reach the.

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