extras_require. A dictionary mapping names of “extras” (optional features of your project) to strings or lists of strings specifying what other distributions must be installed to support those features. and. install_requires. A string or list of strings specifying what other.
extras_require can be installed from PyPI or Anaconda. To install with pip: $ python -m pip install extras_require To install with conda: First add the required channels $ conda config –add channels http://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge $ conda config –add channels http://conda.anaconda.org/domdfcoding Then install $ conda install extras_require, setup (#… extras_require= { ‘test’: [‘pytest’, ], },) Tox only appears to be capable of installing from a requirements.txt file which just implies a step of snapshotting requirements before testing (which I’m ignorant how to do automatically) or by duplicating the test dependencies into.
11/7/2019 · Solution: Build an “Inverted Index”. The solution that I figured out is simple but effective: maintain a package-to-feature map in a separate plain text file, then parse it to an inverted map in setup.py. So inverted index, kind of. For example, my extra-requirements.txt looks like the following: 1.
A Practical Guide to Using Setup.py – GoDataDriven, Configuring setup() using setup.cfg files — setuptools 52 …
python – Difference between extras_require () and install …
Adding a default extra_ require environment – Packaging …
This should work, per example #6. For remote repos: pip install -e git+https://github.com/user/project.git#egg=project [extra] And this for local ones (thanks to @Kurt-Bourbaki): pip install -e . [extra] Share. Improve this answer. edited Nov 18 ’19 at 4:57.
8/3/2020 · $ python setup.py bdist_wheel error in test_pkg setup command: ‘extras_require’ must be a dictionary whose values are strings or lists of strings containing valid project/version requirement .
12/8/2016 · Notes: 1. In the package_data section, a key named with a single asterisk (*) refers to all packages, in lieu of the empty string used in setup.py. 2. In the extras_require section, values are parsed as list-semi. This implies that in order to include markers, they must be dangling:, setup.py setup ( name = Project-B , install_requires = [ Project-A[PDF] ], … This will cause ReportLab to be installed along with project A, if project B is installed – even if project A was already installed.
7/14/2017 · Error: error in tensorpack setup command: ‘ extras_require ‘ requirements cannot include environment markers, in ‘all’: ‘tornado python_version < 3.0' tensorpack/tensorpack#560. Closed. heilaaks added a commit to heilaaks/snippy that referenced this issue on Feb 17, 2019. Add document for required setuptools version.