Mod_Jk Distance

Mod_Jk Distance

You need to build mod_jk .so with or without EAPI to match your Apache configuration. If you install a mismatched mod_jk .so, $APACHE_HOME/bin/apachectl configtest will warn you. Make sure you have Perl 5 installed. The apxs script used to build the module is written in Perl. Change directory to TOMCAT_HOME/native/ mod_jk /apache1.3 (or apache2.0).

We used to configure the distance or lbfactor parameter on mod_jk so some nodes are preferred over others. Does mod_cluster have any equivalent? mod_cluster’s equivalent to mod_jk ‘s distance – Red Hat Customer Portal, We’ve configured a backup/standby node by adjusting the mod_jk distance for one worker as described in In mod_jk how do I create a hot-standby or backup only worker? When our primary nodes are brought back up and are available again after an outage forces requests to the backup node, we’d like requests to move back to these nodes, but instead we see that requests continue to be routed to the backup node.

25 rows  · 3/9/2020  · Note however, that the value for mod_jk is given in seconds, the one in.

How do distance and lbfactor relate in reference to load balancing? How to define priorities between JBoss instances in different data centre locations using Mod_jk ? If the distance to both nodes is equal will requests be balanced evenly between them? Environment. JBoss Enterprise Web Server Apache httpd mod_jk, How to install mod_jk (Apache Tomcat Connectors) on Windows Server …

Working with mod_jk – Apache Tomcat, The Apache Tomcat Connectors – Reference Guide (1.2.48) – Status Wor…, The Apache Tomcat Connectors – Reference Guide (1.2.48) – Status Wor…, Does mod_proxy_balancer have a paramater equivalent to mod_jk ‘s distance ? In mod_proxy_balancer how do we configure hot-standby nodes. How can we achieve a hot-standby configuration with mod_proxy_balancer? Environment. Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) JBoss Enterprise Web Server (EWS) Apache httpd mod_proxy_balancer, 3/9/2020  · The Apache module mod_jk makes use of the internal Apache HTTP Server infrastructure concerning virtual hosts. The downside of this is, that the status worker can only show URL maps, for the virtual host it is defined in. It is not able to reach the configuration objects for other virtual hosts.

6/7/2011  · Distace (e.g. 0 and 1) will lead to normally everything being sent to the close node, but when you switch its activation from active to disabled, new sessions will be created on the node with higher distance . Switching to stopped will result in every request being handled by the node with higher distance .

According to the mod_jk documentation, it seems you would use distance to create a hot-standby, by setting the distance greater: An integer number to express preferences between the balanced workers of an lb worker. A load balancer will never choose some balanced worker in case there is another usable worker with lower distance.

Download and unzip correct one. Then, extract mod_jk .so from the zip and place it in your apache httpd modules folder, typically [APACHE_HOME]/modules. Once done it, you must create a file, typically in apache conf directory or any other inside it (conf.d, extra, etc). Usually file has following content:
