3/26/2021 · Digimon World 3. Hi Andromon is the security of Dum Dum Factory in West Sector of Asuka Server. Atsushi must get through this boss in order to continue the search of a mysterious Numemon, to the inside of a Sewer.
4/14/2021 · HiAndromon is an Electric Vaccine Type, Mega level Digimon and uses 18 memory. It digivolves from Andromon , Vademon , and MetalMamemon . Its special attack is Atomic Ray and its support skill is Metal Empire, which increases damage from Electric type attacks by 15%.
12/13/2020 · Evolutions [] Evolves From []. Herakle Kabuterimon Raijinmon + Fujinmon + Suijinmon Evolves To [] Appearances [] Anime [] Manga [] Video Games [] Digimon World 3 []. Raidenmon is the last enemy Digimon used by MAGAMI President (Officer Chief), along with silver Metal Seadramon and Venom Vamdemon.. If its health goes below 1922 (62.5%) and its.
Myotismon | DigimonWiki | Fandom, WarGrowlmon | DigimonWiki | Fandom, Devimon | DigimonWiki | Fandom, Craniummon – Wikimon – The #1 Digimon wiki, 10/31/2019 · Raijinmon. A Cyborg Digimon known as the Thunderclap General. Its lightning, which is powerful enough to pierce the sky, conceals sufficient power worthy of the name Raijin . ??? ????????????????. ??????????????????????????????????. A …
WarGrowlmon is #229, and is an Ultimate-level, Balance-class, Dragon-species Digimon with a resistance to the Fire element and weakness to the Earth element. Its basic stats are 230 HP, 226 MP, 144 Attack, 124 Defense, 98 Spirit, 92 Speed, and 50 Aptitude. It possesses the Powerful 4, Fire Aura4, and Ether Eddy4 traits.
Devimon is an Evil Digimon. Its body is clad in jet-black cloth. Although it was originally a shining Angemon-species Digimon, it was lured to the Dark Side by DemiDevimon and fell to the Dark Area, becoming a fallen angel. As proof of that, the Mark of Evil surfaced dramatically on its chest. It has a cunning and fiendish personality, but it also possesses an outstanding intellect.
Andromon, Giromon, Craniamon