Getting Around Peoria Illinois Scenic Byways IDOT Bicycling Rest Areas Road Closures Due to Flooding Road Closures Current Road Construction Table Illinois Tollway Construction E85 Biodiesel Stations Commercial Maps . Designated Truck Routes Obstructions and Restrictions Other Maps. Annual Average Daily Traffic Outdoor Advertising Signs Roadway Functional Class, Getting Around Illinois is a web-based interactive mapping site that provides the ability to search and display several sources of transportation data . You can find information on winter road conditions, annual average daily traffic, road construction, trucking routes, and planned road projects.
There are a number of sources of traffic count information available to the public. IDOT Statewide interactive Annual Average Daily Traffic Map (Getting Around Illinois) IDOT Detailed Traffic Counts (including time of day) for selected locations Current Arcview shapefiles of roadway volumes that can be downloaded by county from IDOT’s website, Illinois Travel Statistics IDOT annually publishes detailed traffic information based on a statewide traffic count program. Counts from this program range in duration from continuously recorded data at permanent count stations to thousands of 24-hour counts at locations throughout the state.
Getting Around Illinois: Getting Around Illinois offers a variety of information for the traveling public. This link will route you to the Annual Average Daily Traffic counts for Illinois highway system. GIS: The GIS tool offers downloadable roadway, railroad, and structure data by county or statewide.
Illinois Travel Statistics, Getting Around Illinois, Highway System – Illinois Department of Transportation, Illinois Travel Statistics, Illinois Department of Transportation. Hanley Building. 2300 S. Dirksen Parkway. Springfield, IL 62764 (217) 782-7820 or TTY (866) 273-3681, The Primary system contains the roads that are marked as an Interstate, United States Route, or Illinois Route. These files are very large and may take a significant amount of time to download. More detailed AADT counts are available on the interactive GIS application. Statewide Traffic Maps. Statewide Average Daily Total Traffic Map for 2019, 10/31/2016 · For the latest traffic count information, please see IDOTs interactive Getting Around Illinois website. CUUATS Traffic Count s. Three traffic counts datasets are available on the CUUATS Open Data Portal: Historic average daily traffic counts in Champaign-Urbana region Turning movement traffic counts at major intersections in Champaign-Urbana region Bike turning movement traffic