In mid-May, the majority of the trail was still covered with snow, which made the going a bit tougher than I’d imagine on a dry path. It was also overcast and rainy when we went, but still a wonderful walk.
9/23/2018 · Best Hikes to Forau d’Aigualluts. Our Tour recommendations are based on thousands of activities completed by other people on komoot. Intermediate Hiking Tour From Vado-Hospital. Intermediate. 03:53. 12.0 km. 3.1 km/h. 360 m. 370 m. Intermediate Hiking Tour From La Besurta. Intermediate. 03:01. 8.18 km. 2.7 km/h. 260 m. 260 m. Intermediate …
In wet weather, it should be avoided to go directly to the edge of the Forau d’Aiguallut or even to descend a bit to view the abyss up close. The short stone path on the slope above the Plan d’Aigualluts requires increased attention. Tips, hints and links. There are no huts or other shelters on this tour.
Plan to visit Forau de Aigualluts, Spain. Get details of Location, timings and contact. Find the reviews and ratings to know better. … A very nice excursion that should be done if you go to the valley of Benasque. It Doesn’t matter the season of the year as long as it makes a good day. If you go in winter and have snowed, excursion with rackets.
Dolina de Aigualluts Forau d’Aigualluts Loop from Benasque / Benás is an intermediate Hiking Tour. See this Tour and others like it, or plan your own with komoot! Detailed maps and GPS navigation for the hike: Dolina de Aigualluts Forau d’Aigualluts Loop from Benasque / Benás 03:53 h 12.0 km, Estamos en el impresionante Forau de Aigualluts, donde desaparecen las aguas y si quereis saber más sobre este fenómeno geológico aquí tenéis esta entrada donde Verónica Hernández, Geóloga y Paleontóloga no relata este mágico fenómeno El río Garona y su origen Aragonés. Continuaremos el camino y en 10 minutos más estaremos en la increible Cascada de Aiguallut.
7/6/2016 · Bordeando el forau por la izquierda, llegaremos al poco a la Cascada d´Aigualluts y a continuación al Plan d´Aigualluts , una extensa llanura por la que discurren calmadas las aguas formando meandros antes de comenzar su misterioso viaje bajo tierra. El Plan d´Aigualluts es uno de los rincones más espectaculares de todos los Pirineos.
Durada: Mig dia. Temps total efectiu (sense parades): 3:00h en total: 0:50h des del punt d’inici fins al Forau d’Aigualluts, 1:10h des del Forau d’Aigualluts fins al coll de la Renclusa i 1:00h des del coll de la Renclusa fins al cobert de la Besurta. Desnivell acumulat: 400m. Dificultat: Mitjana.L’excursió no presenta cap dificultat tècnica. Època: Primavera, estiu i tardor.